Company Profile

We want everyone to pursue their dreams, and live a rich and healthy life. We hope that we can give them more time to have dreams and be with the people special to them. We support advances in the fields of preventive and presymptomatic medicine, therapeutic medicine, and healthcare through the power of data and ICT.

By promoting health for everyone and making better healthcare a reality, we aim to stabilize national healthcare costs, and pass the baton to the next generation, as well as to the generation that follows them. To the partners who work with us and contribute toward our shared goals, we promise to achieve this growth and this dream, and we will create a company that our employees and their families can be truly proud of.

President and CEO
Noguchi, Ryo

About Us

Company Name JMDC Inc.
Establishment January 31, 2002
Address Head Office
12th Floor, Sumitomo Shiba Daimon Building, 2-5-5 Shiba Daimon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0012
Hiroshima Office
13th Floor, Hiroshima Inarimachi NK Building, 4-1 Inarimachi, Minami-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima 732-0827
Business Description Medical statistics data services
Capital Stock 25,099 million yen (as of March 31, 2024)
Major Shareholders OMRON Corporation
Board of Directors


Chairman and Director
Matsushima, Yosuke
President and Representative Director
Noguchi, Ryo
Yamamoto, Yuta
Takeda, Seiji
Lee, Jihyun

(Audit & Supervisory Board)

Audit & Supervisory Board
Shimoda, Tsuneo
Audit & Supervisory Board
Hayashi, Nanpei
Audit & Supervisory Board
Fujioka, Daisuke
Audit & Supervisory Board
Watanabe, Taeko
Executive Officer
Noguchi, Ryo
Mochizuki, Tomohiro
Adachi, Masatoshi
Executive Officer
Sakai, Yasunobu
Executive Officer
Hamada, Takayuki
Executive Officer
Kano, Makoto
Executive Officer
Kuno, Yoshiyuki
Executive Officer
Mihara, Yoichi
Executive Officer
Tokubuchi, Shinichiro
Kuraoka, Hiroshi
Executive Officer
Yonekura, Akio
Employees 431 people (as of March 31, 2024)
Bank Reference Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Mizuho Bank
Main Customer Health insurance unions, pharmaceutical companies, life and non-life insurance insurance company, other (research institutions, etc.)
Group Company
PrivacyMark System
Certificate number : 17000311
Registration date : 24 September 2009
Certificate number : JQA-IM1377
Registration date : 22 November 2008

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