From R&D to post-marketing for pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers, we provide optimal solutions using the JMDC Claims Database. Going forward, we will expand the range of solutions we can provide by increasing the amount and type of data.
Epidemiological big data service provided by JMDC
WEB tool service
Internet access type web tool service that can be used by pharmaceutical companies for everything from drug discovery to post-marketing
JMDC Data Mart full package
JMDC Data Mart Light
JMDC Data Mart P-Market PLUS
JMDC Data Mart Pharmacovigilance
Analytic services
Support for building evidence using the JMDC Claims Database, from marketing needs to academic evidence creation
Feasibility checks
Requirements definition support
Procedure plans
Creating specifications
Performing statistical analysis work
Creating reports
Raw data provision services
JMDC Claims Database offers a full DB access license or access licenses by field
Case definition support
Data extraction
Creating matching groups
Publication support service
Supports sending out knowledge obtained through the JMDC Claims Database
Abstract for congress presentations
Making PowerPoints
Supports making data into papers (outsourced by JMDC)